Friday, June 13, 2014

Disney Infinity 2.0 brings big fun by adding Marvel universe

E3: Disney Infinity 2.0 brings big fun by adding Marvel universe, competition heats up with Skylanders and Nintendo

A few months ago, Disney Infinity 2.0 was unveiled in Hollywood, Calif., shifting focus to Marvel Super Heroes. This week at the annual E3 video game convention, industry professionals and media finally got a chance to get their hands on this new addition to the Disney Infinity world. Disney Interactive’s booth was a cityscape façade covered in ice-crystals, a reference to Loki’s evil plot in game’s Avengers-based play set. The popular booth consistently held a long line for attendees to take “Super Hero Selfies” and receive a pre-release game figure. In addition, plenty of kiosks were manned by Disney Interactive representatives to show off the game.

E3 2014

E3 2014

After playing the game for at least thirty minutes at the show, I got a good sense of what Disney Infinity 2.0 is all about. It’s clear the game designers have taken what players all loved about the original, added nice new features. The video below offers a tour of the booth as well as chats with a few of the game’s developers showing off the latest gameplay – and hinting at a few pieces yet to be announced.

My favorite addition to the world of Disney Infinity is flying. Iron Man, Thor, and Nova (a recently-announced character that comes in the Spider-man play set) all take to the skies, what we all hoped Buzz Lightyear’s Jetpack would do in the original. The controls are a little tricky at first, but once you get used to it you’ll be zooming up, up, and away (sorry, wrong franchise) in no time. Equally enjoyable is the web-slinging action of Spider-Man. Avalanche, the game’s developer, has created the most satisfying swinging action I’ve ever played in a Spidey game. It’s very intuitive. No aiming. It does the work for you, but still feels like you are in control. And no need to worry about heights – Spider-Man can swing from anywhere, even above the buildings. Sure, it doesn’t make logical sense, but the world of Disney Infinity is a toy box world. It doesn’t have to make sense. It works and is delightful.